💡 Instagram's New Twitter Pt.2

Plus: Write in the style of Elon Musk

Read time: 3 minutes (Click underlined topics or headings for links.)

Hey AI Family, happy Friday! We like to keep things short and productive at The Edge, so you can get back to your busy life!

Here’s The Breakdown:

  • 💎 𝟛 Tools to Give You The Edge

  • 🚨 𝟚 News Updates: Instagram “Project 92” & AI coming to LinkedIn

  • 💻 𝟙 Practical Use of AI: Write like Elon Musk

Let’s jump in!

💎 𝟛 Tools to Give You The Edge

Wondercraft: Use AI to create studio quality podcast with your voice or a synthetic voice

Byword: The most advanced AI article writer

Numerous.ai: Use Chat GPT in spreadsheets like excel and google docs

🚨 Breaking AI News

Last month, we heard the first rumors circulate about Instagram’s New Twitter and yesterday we got our first sneak peak. It’s codenamed "Project 92" and will be based on Instagram and integrated with ActivityPub, a decentralized social media protocol.

This integration could allow users to migrate their accounts and followers to other apps that support ActivityPub. Instagram users will be able to migrate their accounts to the new text-based app as well.

Meta's CPO, Chris Cox, aims to be a trustworthy and reliable platform for creators and public figures. High-profile individuals, including DJ Slime, Oprah, and the Dalai Lama, are already showing interest in “Project 92.”

Twitter has some serious competition lurking

Yesterday, LinkedIn launched an AI-based tool for suggesting alternative advertising copy. The tool generates recommendations based on data from a marketer's LinkedIn page and Campaign Manager settings.

Ads on LinkedIn are becoming more direct response focused, similar to Twitter’s new ramped up advertising platform. It uses Open AI’s GPT-4 model to give various copy suggestions, but it is currently in beta with a selection of North American testers.

LinkedIn has been progressively incorporating generative AI, introducing AI tools for writing profile bios, recruitment posts, and conversation starters.

AI adoption is all around us; learning how to leverage AI now will keep your Edge in the workplace.

💻 Real Life Use Case

Chat GPT Prompt: Write in the style of Elon Musk

Writing is hard, and writing in the style of a figure you admire might be even harder. Chat GPT can help with that. For this example, we chose to write in the style of Elon Musk.

But you can write in the style of whoever you choose: Replace all mentions of Elon with your desired author or influencer!

🔏 Copy and paste the prompt below ⏬

Craft a piece of writing emulating the distinctive style of Elon Musk. Draw on Musk's concise, forward-thinking, and occasionally provocative communication approach. Emphasize his unique blend of technical knowledge, visionary insight, and a dash of humor. The content should embody Musk's focus on innovation, progress, and the potential for technology to address humanity's biggest challenges.

Chat GPT’s interpretation of Elon Musk is spot on. Check it out below:

Daily Definition

Frozen Encoder

A 'Frozen Encoder' refers to a technique used in the training of neural networks, particularly in the context of transfer learning. Transfer learning is a method where a pre-trained model, which has been trained on a large-scale dataset, is used as a starting point for a new task. The 'encoder' part of this model, responsible for understanding the input data, is often 'frozen,' or kept unaltered during the training for the new task.

Let's consider an example to understand this better. Imagine you're training an AI to recognize dog breeds. You could start with a pre-existing model that's already been trained to recognize objects in pictures. This model already 'knows' how to extract important features from an image, thanks to its encoder. Now, you want to keep this knowledge intact (thus, you 'freeze' the encoder) while you train the remaining part of your model (usually called the 'decoder' or 'classifier') to recognize specific dog breeds.

🔮 AI Inspiration

That’s all for today!

Thanks for your time today. If it is your first time here, welcome. I hope you found value in today’s Edge edition. If you are returning, thank you. It means the world to me that you spend a few minutes of your day with me. If you have any ideas you’d like me to cover in the future, reply to this email.

Thanks for reading see you tomorrow,


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