💡 ChatGPT new leaked features

Plus: Boosting Organic Search Rank

Read time: 3 minutes (Click underlined topics or headings for links.)

Hey AI Family, happy Tuesday! We like to keep things short and productive at The Edge, so you can get back to your busy life!

Here’s The Breakdown:

  • 💎 𝟛 Tools to Give You The Edge

  • 🚨 𝟚 AI Updates: ChatGPT leaked, Amazon testing new AI

  • 💻 𝟙 Practical Use of AI: Boosting organic search rank

Let’s jump in!

💎 𝟛 Tools to Give You The Edge

Eleven Labs: Use AI to create natural sounding voices

Saga: Creative AI assistant that helps you write faster

Rose AI: Research 10x faster with AI eliminate hours of wasted time searching

🚨 Breaking AI News

We might be finally getting one of the most anticipated features in ChatGPT… business version.

A user from the subreddit r/chatgpt posted this leaked picture of “workspace” in ChatGPT. ChatGPT would remember important facts and include a 'my files' section where users can upload important documents to be saved.

We are moving into more personalized AI assistants, and I’m here for it. It’s even rumored that the business version will incorporate stronger privacy measures, like discontinuing the use of user data for model training.

Amazon has begun trialing an AI-powered feature on its app. It “synthesizes customer reviews to provide a quick summary of user opinions about a product.” Amazon is really serious about implementing AI into their workflow.

With the hundreds of thousands of products on Amazon, they aim to streamline decision-making for customers. And they are calling on generative AI to make this a reality.

We all know the struggle of not finding the right thing on Amazon hopefully this helps but only time will tell.

💻 Real Life Use Case

Chat GPT Prompt: Boosting Organic Search Rank

Let ChatGPT become your business strategist try this prompt below to improve your organic search rank

🔏 Copy and paste the prompt below ⏬

"Please formulate a collection of innovative strategies tailored to enhance the organic search ranking for our specified website, [Insert here]. Beyond traditional SEO optimization, the strategies should encapsulate unique methods to help our website stand out amidst the competition. For each proposed strategy, include a detailed set of instructions that guide us step-by-step through its implementation process. Our overarching goal is to boost our organic traffic, augment our online visibility, and establish a distinguishable footprint in our market space." 

Check out ChatGPT response below:

Daily Definition


'Inference' in the realm of AI refers to the process by which a trained model applies what it has learned to new, unseen data. Essentially, it's when the AI model puts its training into practice. It's akin to a student, having studied and understood a concept, now applying this understanding to solve a problem in an exam.

For example, consider an AI model trained to distinguish between images of cats and dogs. During the training phase, the model learns the patterns and features that differentiate cats from dogs. After this learning phase, when you show the model a new image (that it hasn't seen during training), the 'inference' process involves the model analyzing this image and predicting whether it's a cat or a dog based on what it has previously learned.

In a practical context, inference can be seen in real-time applications like voice assistants understanding spoken commands, recommendation systems suggesting products based on your browsing history, or autonomous vehicles recognizing objects to navigate roads safely.

🔮 AI Inspiration

That’s all for today!

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Thanks for reading see you tomorrow,


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