💡 100K+ ChatGPT accounts hacked

Plus: Repurpose content with ChatGPT

Read time: 3 minutes (Click underlined topics or headings for links.)

Hey AI Family, happy Thursday! We like to keep things short and productive at The Edge, so you can get back to your busy life!

Here’s The Breakdown:

  • 💎 𝟛 Tools to Give You The Edge

  • 🚨 𝟚 AI Updates: 100k Accounts hacked & Portugal uses AI for 911’s

  • 💻 𝟙 Practical Use of AI: Repurpose content with ChatGPT

Let’s jump in!

💎 𝟛 Tools to Give You The Edge

Google Docs AI: Google has integrated “Magic Write” into their app revise, edit, and lengthen text (select the second blue button)

Try it here (select the second blue button under “Google workspace”)

MemeCam: Create memes from any picture in seconds

Supertools: One of the largest database of AI tools to try and test

🚨 Breaking AI News

Singapore's global cybersecurity leader, Group-IB, identified 101,134 compromised ChatGPT accounts.

More specifically, the credentials of over 100,000 accounts were leaked on the dark web. These compromised credentials were found within the logs of information-stealing malware sold on illicit dark web marketplaces over the past year.

The number of available logs containing compromised ChatGPT accounts reached a peak of 26,802 in May 2023, with the Asia-Pacific region experiencing the highest concentration of stolen ChatGPT credentials.

Group IB has identified the perpetrator as "Raccoon" an infamous info stealer.

What's most interesting is that 2FA is currently paused in ChatGPT as of June 12th. So right now, there is no way to enhance security to your account; your best bet will be to change your password and wait until 2FA resumes.

Portugal is planning to test an AI system based on OpenAI's ChatGPT to answer emergency calls during busy times. The goal is to utilize AI as the first point of contact for callers on the 112 emergency line.

António Pombeiro, Deputy Secretary General of the Internal Administration, talked about this at a technology conference in Porto. The goal is for callers to not even know they are talking to an AI, to “enhance the user experience,” I don’t know about you, but I don’t like the idea of that.

Portugal is the first country in the world to propose this, and they are hoping it will roll out by 2025.

💻 Real Life Use Case

Chat GPT Prompt: Repurpose content

Content creation is hard, and repurposing that content to fit other media platforms is even harder.

Use this ChatGPT prompt to help you repurpose content for whatever media outlet you need. (Change the “Insert here” values to fit your needs

🔏 Copy and paste the prompt below ⏬
As a social media manager specializing in content repurposing, your task is to transform an existing piece of content, [Insert here], into a new format, [Insert here]. Carefully analyze the current material, identifying the aspects that can be effectively leveraged to attain a specified goal, [Insert here], when adapted into the new content type. Generate creative ideas and suggestions on how to repurpose the existing content within the new format to meet the set goal.

Once you've established a strategy, proceed to craft the new [Insert here] type of content using the original material as your foundation, ensuring the final product aligns with the intended goal."
Here’s a link to the results ⬇️

Daily Definition

Info stealers

'Info stealers' or 'information stealers' are not an AI concept per se but fall under the broader field of cybersecurity. These are a type of malicious software (malware) designed to infiltrate computer systems or networks and gather sensitive information.

Info stealers can be particularly nefarious because they often target information that can be exploited for financial gain or to gain unauthorized access to systems. This might include credit card numbers, login credentials for websites or systems, personal identification information, or proprietary business data.

Now, you might wonder why we're discussing it in the context of AI. Here's the connection: As AI continues to advance, so do the techniques that cybercriminals use. AI and machine learning can be used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of info stealers, making them harder to detect and more successful in their illicit data harvesting. Hence what happed yesterday.

🔮 AI Inspiration

Midjourney’s take on Swole Wars: (Credit)
That’s all for today!

Thanks for your time today. If it is your first time here, welcome. I hope you found value in today’s Edge edition. If you are returning, thank you. It means the world to me that you spend a few minutes of your day with me. If you have any ideas you’d like me to cover in the future, reply to this email.

Thanks for reading see you tomorrow,


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